Prepper Jan Hansen prepares for the disaster: "It's time for us to wake up from our Sleeping Beauty sleep"

Get the full story of prepping, which emerged as a phenomenon in the United States in the shadow of the nuclear threat during the Cold War.
A 527 square meter bunker in Odense has just changed hands. Originally built during the Cold War, the nuclear-safe facility is an extreme prepper's dream.
Test: Here is the best emergency radio. The possibility of receiving unfiltered messages from the authorities can be decisive in a crisis situation, but which emergency radio should you choose?
Not happened since 1962: New pamphlet with preparedness advice explains to Danes how to cope in emergency situations.
Here's what to do if the power fails. Follow the guide's 5 steps so you can quickly spread light in the dark.
The authorities recommend that everyone has a supply that lasts for 3 days. Read along here and get tips on what you can fill the warehouse with and how it should be stored.
How do you best prepare yourself against the ultimate collapse of society? What skills do you need to survive on your own in the harsh nature? And how do you best manage a global pandemic? Find the answers in these 5 movies where prepping plays the main role.
This is how you can easily and cheaply protect your sensitive electronics with inspiration from a 150-year-old invention. 
A healthy and balanced diet is essential for the body to function - and especially in a crisis situation where the body is exposed to stress.
You can survive without food for up to 40 days, but only a few days without water. That's why water storage is the most important item on the prepper's checklist. And it must be stored correctly – otherwise the preparations are wasted.
Vacuum sealing prevents bacterial growth in the fridge, protects against frost damage in the freezer and extends the shelf life of food by several months.
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